Paul Carlson Partnership Sunday:
Remembering Dr. Paul Carlson and how your church can support Congo today.
PCP Sunday is November 5, 2023
On November 24th, 1964, Dr. Paul Carlson was martyred by Simba rebels in DR Congo.
Today, more than 55 years of serving Congo, we invite you to join us on November 5, 2023 and host a PCP Sunday at your church to remember the legacy of Dr. Paul Carlson and how you can support Congo today.

Use the PCP Sunday Kit, which includes a worship service, liturgy, and songs in Lingala.
Let us know if you would like a PCP representative to speak at your church, meet with the missions team, or give a brief update. We can join you virtually, too!
We have several people available:
- Renée Hale, Executive Director
- Bob Anderson, Partner Engagement Representative
- Rebecca Dangel, Director of Partner Communications
- Paul Carlson Partnership Board Members
Read the Paul Carlson story with your small group about 2-3 months in advance. You can also order the Monganga Paul DVD.
Monganga DVD – Contact Us to Order
Read More Stories about Congo
Read more stories about what’s happening in Congo and be sure to sign up for the PCP Promise, our email newsletter.