Our Partners

Our Partners in DR Congo
The Communauté Évangélique de l’Ubangi-Mongala (The Covenant Church of Congo, also known as the CEUM)

The mission of the CEUM is to reach lost for Jesus Christ and believes in the holistic gospel by empowering the community through education, health, and development. The CEUM includes over 2,000 congregations with approximately 800,000 members, ministering in a population of 5.6 million people in three of DR Congo’s 26 provinces: North Ubangi, South Ubangi, and Mongala (circled). The central office of the CEUM is located in Gemena.

Developed areas of ministry within the CEUM include evangelism, discipleship, pastor training and theological education, economic development partnerships, medical partnerships, childhood education partnerships, among others. The CEUM manages five hospitals, four Health Zones, 120 health centers, two nursing schools, oversees over 600 primary and secondary schools, runs three pastoral training schools and cooperates in two others, encourages farmers with better techniques in growing fish, coffee, and other products, and even rebuilds bridges. 

Paul Carlson Partnership works alongside the CEUM to improve healthcare and transform communities through economic development initiatives in the northwest part of Congo. The partnership between the CEUM and Paul Carlson Partnership has lasted over 55 years, and we are committed to walking alongside the CEUM as they live our their holistic gospel mission through education, health, and economic development.