Water Flows Again at Karawa Hospital!

By Paul Noren – ECC Missionary to Congo

Mbudi Water Wheel Imagine a hospital without water, paying women to carry water in seven gallon jugs on their heads. They carry it from the spring, over a mile away and up a 300′ hill. Bring up the subject and all the women groan. Now the water is flowing and life and work have become a lot easier. All the people at Karawa thank PCP for this amazing gift.

Mbudi is the name of the beautiful gushing spring on the back side of the Karawa hill where Karawa hospital, schools, church, technical services center, and housing for all the staff of these ministries are found. Mbudi served the Karawa hospital and other services for decades with wonderful clean water. In the past few years there have been many problems with the aging system. The water supply to the hospital, and everybody else, was cut off completely about a year ago.

PCP has undertaken the task of rebuilding the Mbudi spring pumping potential to its full capacity. With funding provided from PCP, with assistance from Rochester Covenant Church, a Congolese crew has begun the two-phase project. The first phase of this work is now completed with a new pump working wonderfully, providing water for many. The largest single recipient of the water is the Karawa hospital. This has been such an indescribable improvement and blessing.

Now, the second phase of the restoration has started. This phase will rebuild the other half of the twin system. There will be two water wheels and two pumps, able to work alternately while one is being serviced or at the same time when needed for extra volume. This will ensure a steady supply of water. Thank you to all contributors and to PCP for their commitment to build up the Karawa hospital into a better place of service.

Posted in PCP Update.